Red Flags for the Holidays

This is the season for company parties… and behaviors that could be problematic.

As one manager said to me while observing another manager’s behavior during a holiday party… “Do you suppose he realizes that is career-altering behavior?”HR Jungle

I’ve seen a Director strip and run nude into the ocean at the Hotel Del Coronado, a VP who kept pouring champagne on employees’ heads during a dinner show, an employee’s wife who propositioned several other employees during dinner, and sufficient alcohol consumption by a receptionist to result in “projectile vomiting” over several other people (their words, not mine). These people may not remember their behavior but several others do.

Consider whether employees might need to be reminded that a company party is not just another party. You don’t want to put a damper on the holiday cheer but you do want to maintain a certain level of control. Poor judgment while at a company party is remembered and can have a far-reaching effect. Sexual harassment claims over your company party is NOT the way you want to end the year!

You need to recognize that serving alcohol during a company-sponsored event puts you at risk beyond the party itself. Make sure you have a cab service or designated drivers lined up and a plan for employees retrieving their car the next day if they take a cab home. Carpooling from a centralized location doesn’t work if the employee still needs to drive home from that location.

Think it through to ensure the employees’ safety and to lower the risk to the company. Then, have fun!

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