Who Signs?

As the owner of my company, I’m the only person who can sign checks. Am I required to have a second signer?  [click to read more …]

Don’t Miss the Opportunity

I have an employee, Sam, who is a constant problem. Today while speaking with him, he became frustrated with the conversation and said he might as well quit. Later I found myself wishing he had. What should I have done?  [click to read more …]

Doc Your Thoughts

We have an employee, Sam, who’s been a problem lately. His manager and I talked about firing him on Friday. However, today he filed a workers’ compensation claim. The injury may be valid but how does this affect our ability to fire him as planned?  [click to read more …]

How to Terminate

I need to fire an employee but it’s my first time. How do I do it?  [click to read more …]

Who Signs?

As the owner of my company, I’m the only person who can sign checks. Am I required to have a second signer?  [click to read more …]

But You Didn’t Document

I recently terminated Sam, my employee. I had several discussions with him about his performance but he didn’t listen and improve. He said I couldn’t fire him since I hadn’t written him up. Is that true?  [click to read more …]

WEBINAR: Successful Separations

Employees eventually separate from companies, in one way or another. Whether that separation is voluntary or involuntary, you need to understand how to handle the legalities. Plus, in today’s lawsuit-crazy times, you want to avoid common mistakes. You will also receive the paperwork we use for separations.  [click to read more …]

Managing After the Fact

I currently have an employee on a leave of absence who is due back in three weeks. We don’t want her back. While she’s been gone, we have found so much that she didn’t do well or even do at all. Is it okay to tell her we don’t want her back?  [click to read more …]

Vax Madness

I want to stick my head in the sand and ignore all the craziness I’m hearing about vaccination mandates. How do I know what actually affects my employees?  [click to read more …]

Timing is Everything

Contrary to Federal law, California law is very specific when it comes to minutes and even seconds an employee works. They don’t vary, which helps, but you do need to understand the language.  [click to read more …]