Who Signs?

As the owner of my company, I’m the only person who can sign checks. Am I required to have a second signer?  [click to read more …]


Many of you, like us, remember the “old” days when you only needed to buy a new employment law poster once every 2 or 3 years… and most laws went into effect on January 1st so we didn’t have to worry about those mid-year updates. Sadly, the old days are over and the poster information is changing randomly and frequently. This is why we always recommend the update service.  [click to read more …]

We Know Where You Are

I have employees in the field who have company cell phones with GPS tracking. This is so great because I can log in anytime and see where they are and how long they’ve been there. However, one of my employees, Joe has removed the GPS tracking device. Can I fire him for that?  [click to read more …]

Who Signs?

As the owner of my company, I’m the only person who can sign checks. Am I required to have a second signer?  [click to read more …]

Tools and Equipment

I prefer having employees use their own tools for work because they tend to take better care of them and I have the added benefit of saving money.  [click to read more …]

Employee Blackmail

I have an employee asking for more pay but her role and performance do not justify it. However, she is the only person who knows how to do what she does so I feel like I have to give in. Is there another choice?  [click to read more …]

Cringe-Worthy Proposed Laws

Every year there are bills proposed by our legislature that make employers want to cringe. Sadly, this year is no different and some of the proposed laws will also encourage a scream or two.  [click to read more …]

Ignorance is Not a Defense

I’m doing the best I can in running my company and managing my employees. I hear about laws or rules I think I should probably be following but, on the other hand, I figure I’m too small to have to worry about getting in trouble. At what size should I be concerned?  [click to read more …]

Order Your Employment Law Posters!

If you haven’t already ordered your posters, do it now because the new year is coming fast!  [click to read more …]

While You Were Busy

It seems that COVID conversations continue to knock every other topic aside. But, while you were busy, other things have happened that need a bit of your attention. This article is to draw your attention to them so you are better informed.  [click to read more …]