Poor Management Style

I have a temper and tend to yell at employees when someone doesn’t do their work correctly. My yelling seems to get results. However, Mary, one of my employees, claims we have a hostile work environment. Does she have a case?  [click to read more …]

How to Set Goals for Employees

I would really like to set goals for my employees but I don’t know how to create the process.  [click to read more …]

HR Needs It Signed on the Dotted Line

I don’t like to do write-ups. Can’t a conversation with an employee work just as well?  [click to read more …]

Keep Cupid Under Control

How do I make sure office romances can’t hurt my company?  [click to read more …]

Friendly versus Friends

I have a few employees who I consider to also be my friends. However, I’m noticing these friends don’t take me as seriously as my other employees do. How can I change this?  [click to read more …]

When an Employee is Too Good

I have a fabulous employee who seems to want (and deserves) more than I’ll ever be able to provide. How do I handle this issue?  [click to read more …]

Employee’s Track Record

I have a couple of employees who continue to occasionally disregard my rules. When it happens, I talk with them and they work harder for a while, then slip back into bad habits. What should I be doing to avoid this?  [click to read more …]

Tears and Anger

I have an employee who gets very emotional whenever I let them know they’ve made an error or try to tell them how to do something better. How do I deal with someone like this?  [click to read more …]

Who is Doing What?

A couple of my employees don’t finish their tasks or miss deadlines fairly frequently. They always have a reason they aren’t to blame. How can I get them to take responsibility for their job?  [click to read more …]

Know When to Walk Away

One of my employees got mad and pushed another employee. I believe the one who got pushed was deliberately trying to make the other employee mad. What should I do about this?  [click to read more …]