Paying for What You Wanted

I’m hiring an assistant and have found a really good candidate, Jane. I had planned to pay $19 to $22 per hour but Jane was only making minimum wage at her last job so I know she’d be thrilled by $17. Do I have to offer her something within the range, even if she doesn’t know the range?  [click to read more …]

Paying Late is a Red Flag

I sometimes forget about the deadline to process payroll so paychecks may end up a few days late. Someone told me that’s a problem. Why?  [click to read more …]

Day of Rest

Can my employees work 10 days in a row when we’re really busy? Do I have to pay overtime or double time when they do?  [click to read more …]

Compensatory (“Comp”) Time Off”

I have 3 exempt managers who work a lot of hours. I’d like to give them time off to compensate for those extra hours. How do I do this?  [click to read more …]

When Money is Tight

I am expecting money from my receivables and an investor. However, right now I’m strapped for cash for payroll. What are my options?  [click to read more …]

Working After Clocking Out

My employee, Sue, occasionally responds to my emails in the evening. I don’t expect her to respond from home but she does. Now she’s asking to be paid for that time. Do I have to pay her?  [click to read more …]

When Per Diem is Not “Per Day”

I’ve been paying a few of my employees per diem pay but now one of them is asking for overtime pay, too. I’ve told them the per diem rate pays for all time worked that day. Am I wrong?  [click to read more …]

Garnishments and Other Notices

I received a notice that an employee needs to provide insurance for a dependent. What do I do with this?  [click to read more …]

No Working During Interviews

I have job candidates work with me for a day to determine if they have the skills for the job. If the day goes well, I hire them. If not, I pay cash for the day’s work. Are there any problems with this?  [click to read more …]

Keep Cupid Under Control

How do I make sure office romances can’t hurt my company?  [click to read more …]