Short Days

“If I have someone come to work one day just for a 30-minute meeting, do I have to pay them for the whole day? Also, what if they come to work but I don’t need them at all that day?”

Your HR Survival Tip

These are actually two different topics but they both fall under short days so we’ll cover both scenarios.

When you schedule an employee to come to work for less than a normal day, you only have to pay them for the scheduled time. You could schedule an all-hands meeting on Saturday that only lasts 30 minutes and you’d only be required to pay for that 30 minutes. Although, let’s be honest, your employees would probably stage a mutiny if you made them attend a short meeting on one of their days off! Be considerate and try to squeeze those short meetings into the regular workweek.

The other scenario happens much more often. You have 4 employees scheduled to work all day Thursday. However, Thursday morning arrives and you realize there isn’t enough work for all of them so you decide to tell Sam to go back home. You will owe Sam “reporting time pay.”

Reporting time pay means you are paying for one-half of their scheduled hours… but no more than 4 hours and no less than 2 hours. So, if Sam was:

  • Scheduled for 8 hours, you’d pay for 4 hours (one-half of the scheduled amount).
  • Scheduled for 2 hours, you’d pay for 2 hours (the minimum amount of reporting time pay).
  • Scheduled for 6 hours, you’d pay for 3 hours (one-half of the scheduled amount).
  • Scheduled for 10 hours, you’d pay for 4 hours (no more than 4 hours is due with reporting time pay).

Both your employees and your budget would appreciate better scheduling so you don’t have more employees showing up than is needed for the available work. Check your workload and the schedule… call employees (pre-bedtime ideally) to let them know you won’t need them tomorrow. They won’t have to get up early and you won’t have to pay them reporting time pay.

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