Ineligible for paid time off over the holidays

HR Jungle

Employees unpaid over holidays

“How do I manage time off during the holidays when some of my employees aren’t yet eligible for vacation?”

My HR survival tip

Since employees are already scheduling trips and family time, it’s important to first determine what level of coverage your business needs both over Thanksgiving and the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day.

You’re not legally required to pay for holidays but, if you do, check which employees are eligible and which aren’t. Next, determine who is eligible for any vacation pay and, of those employees, which will have accrued vacation time available by the holidays.

Once you have gathered all your information, it’s time to talk with your employees. It’ll be easier and faster to meet with them as a group. Let them know how many and what type of employees will be needed during and around the various holidays. Try to get employees volunteering for the shifts needed. Then inform them:

How to request time off through the end of the year; How you will determine approvals for time off requests (e.g., seniority, etc.); and That you will meet with each person individually to confirm whether any holidays will be paid  [click to read more …]