When an Employee is Too Good

I have a fabulous employee who seems to want (and deserves) more than I’ll ever be able to provide. How do I handle this issue?  [click to read more …]

Required New I-9 Form

I’ve heard a new I-9 form is available. Do I need everyone to complete it?  [click to read more …]

When an Employee is Too Good

I have a fabulous employee that seems to want (and deserves) more than I’ll ever be able to provide. How do I handle this issue?  [click to read more …]

Better Hiring Practices

I’ve hired several employees lately but am not overjoyed with those I’ve hired. What am I doing wrong?  [click to read more …]

Less Than the Ideal Candidate

It can be difficult to find and hire the ideal person. Many candidates have spent more effort in improving their interview skills than their job skills. Once you’ve discovered the employee has fewer skills or knowledge than you thought, you have decisions to make.  [click to read more …]