Poor Management Style

I have a temper and tend to yell at employees when someone doesn’t do their work correctly. My yelling seems to get results. However, Mary, one of my employees, claims we have a hostile work environment. Does she have a case?  [click to read more …]

What Happens Behind Your Back?

I may not be new to supervising others, but I don’t think I’m very good at it.  [click to read more …]

When an Employee is Too Good

I have a fabulous employee that seems to want (and deserves) more than I’ll ever be able to provide. How do I handle this issue?  [click to read more …]

How to Set Goals for Employees

I would really like to set goals for my employees but I don’t know how to create the process.  [click to read more …]

Creating a Bonus Plan

I’d like to provide my employees with a bonus but I’m not sure how it should work.  [click to read more …]

Employee Moves

I have two employees who want to move out-of-state to live while working remotely for me. What things should I consider?  [click to read more …]

Better Hiring Practices

I’ve hired several employees lately but am not overjoyed with those I’ve hired. What am I doing wrong?  [click to read more …]

Proximity Factor

I’m finding it harder to conduct performance reviews after first being remote and now with a hybrid work environment. It’s difficult to know what they’re doing when not in my presence.  [click to read more …]

Recency Factor

I’ve been conducting annual performance reviews for about five years but, overall, I don’t feel they are very effective. My managers add very few comments. How can we improve them?  [click to read more …]

Tips for Form I-9

I’m never sure how to complete the I-9 form so I worry that I might be missing something important.  [click to read more …]